Chris Sieggen

Director of Music

Chris and Britta were involved with an Anglican Church plant in Kansas City for fourteen years. Chris was on staff as the worship leader and office administrator. Over the last couple of years, he also had the opportunity to work for Bishop Todd Hunter in the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others as his Chief Administrator and as an interim worship leader and audio engineer at Christ Church Anglican in Overland Park, KS.

When the opportunity arose to come to Athens, Chris was also discerning a call to go to seminary and pursue ordination. Through a mutual discernment process with Fr. Daniel and from supporters in Kansas City, the Sieggens felt God was calling them to move to Athens to become a part of St. Thomas (part-time) and to begin the Masters of Divinity program at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. Through God's grace and provision, the Sieggens arrived in Athens in Dec. 2017 and are excited to be a part of the amazing things God is doing through St. Thomas. They love good music, food, warm weather and laughter and vibrant relationships!